
Typr Next ⌨️

Typr is the next generation typing practice website. How? Well, it's simple and works on real world text.

Tech Stack

  • NextJS for building the actual Application
  • Appwrite for authentication and data
  • TailwindCSS for the look and feel
  • Rechart for visualizing your progress

Why Typr?

It is the upgrade of my first ever project - Typr.

But why did I build Typr?

I was bored to the usaual practice websites that made you practice typing with some random characters.

The real speed comes from the ability to type fast when it comes to the real world and not some randomized characters

This was the main idea behind Typr and eventually Typr Next, that let's you see your progress over time.


Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10 09 18 AM Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10 21 45 AM Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10 22 01 AM