
Movie Fling

Movie fans? This is the right place. Search where and how to watch movies, seasons of shows and more...


It is a frontend movies and shows webapp with many cool features listed below :

  • Search Movies and Shows dynamically
  • Sort results in 6 different ways:
    • Increasing/Decreasing Rating
    • Increasing/Decreasing Date of Release/Air
    • Alphabetical/Reverse Alphabetical order
  • Each result has a poster, rating bar and year of release, airing is display with an overview in a card component
  • Read more about each movie/shows on clicking the read more
  • Each details page has seasons for shows and cast and similar movies/shows
  • Provider search option in the details where we can search where to watch the movie/show in a particular country
  • We have an option to load the next page of results. If there are none present it reloads the first page

I have used the TMDB API for the information and the watchprovider service provided by the TMDB website.

The website is Live Here 👉: Movie Fling